Saturday, April 6, 2019

With your Paw in Mine review


Miki, an otter pup, loves to snuggle on her mama's tummy. And Mama holds Miki's paws while she teaches her how to swim.  While Mama is out gathering food, Miki meets another otter pup and the two become best friends. Then one day, a terrible storm rages in the ocean, and Miki and Amak hold each other's paws tightly. Will it be enough to keep them safe? (goodreads summary)

 While Mama Otter goes hunting little pup Miki waits patiently at the top of the ocean wrapped securely in seaweed.  She finds a new friend and the two enjoy each others company while both their mama's are out for their daily hunt.   When a storm suddenly hits, Miki and Amak are alone and scared. Fortunately,  they do have each others friendship to help make it through the unpredictable weather until they can reunite with their Mama Otters again. 

The illustrations in this book are so sweet and cute that this story warms the heart.  It was filled with  love, friendship and working together when facing challenges.  I could feel the affection between mom and baby otter as Mama fluffed Miki up and taught her to swim holding onto her paw.  Miki was a little scared while Mama hunted but after meeting her friend Amak who was also scared while his mama was away, she shared paw holding with him to feel safe.  They worked out a way to help  each other when the storm came to stay together until they could be reunited with the  otter group.  What a relief when she heard her mama's voice!  Along with the illustrations the text is soft, gentle and soothing.  This would be a wonderful bedtime story to cuddle up with and read aloud to the younger ones.  I think this is a  "just right book" for ages 3-6.~ 

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