Friday, October 28, 2011

TGIF GReads! Follow Friday

TGIF is a weekly feature created and hosted by GReads! and it re-caps the week’s posts and will offer a different question each week.........I hope to join from time to time because I like reading what others answer.

This weeks question is:

Spooktacular Reads: Which books do you consider festive Halloween reads? Which stories have chilled you to the bone?

 My Answer:  There are so many fun and creepy Halloween reads it is hard to remember some. Here are a couple that I think have given me a chill and stick in my memory.........


1. Anything written by Stephen King- He has always been my favorite author growing up but this one gave me the biggest creeps! I have always been afraid of clowns and think they are the scariest things.

The Painted Darkness

2. The Painted Darkness by Brian James Freeman - This one was very unusual and it involved some mind bending scary monster fears. It is a short story novel about a man's childhood fears returning into adulthood and you didn't know if things were real or imaginary. I closed the book from the last page and shivered.


  1. I agree - at least 1 Stephen King should be read around Halloween - and maybe a Dean Koontz too.

  2. I haven't read any Stephen King, but from this week's posts, I gather that it is absolutely essential to give it a try, especially around this time of year. Thanks for the suggestions!

    Happy Friday!
